How to Build a Deck Without Concrete
Low-impact design + old technology: behold the power of the helical screw pile.

Reclaimed 100-Year-Old Detroit Brick
Repurposing post-industrial Rust Belt treasure.
How to Build a Fence Without Concrete
Low-impact design + infinite applications takes the ecospike beyond American mailboxes.
Vertical Planters
Maximize vertical space + utilize shorter lengths of scrap wood without feeling scrappy.
Wood Shower
A contemporary alternative to tile.

Full Scale 1565 Map of the World on Wood
A map that looks and feels half a millennium old in vivid detail.
Modern Yet Vintage Custom Shelves
Modern + timeless shelving with a vintage finish and slim, functional profile.
Ann Arbor Manhole Competition Semifinalist
The iconic Ann Arbor street grid + Huron River amalgamated in cast metal relief.